查了下,最早来源于美国SEC一段讲话【1997 Twenty-Fifth Annual National Conference on:】:When there is a transaction between entities with a high degree ofcommon ownership, but that are not under common control,the staff assesses the transaction to determine whetherthe transaction lacks substance. FTB85-5 provides an exampleof a similar assessment in an exchange between a parent anda minority shareholder in one of the parent's
partiallyowned subsidiaries. Paragraph 6 of FTB85-5 states, inpart:
...if the minority interest does not change and if in substance the only assets of the combinedentity after the exchange are those of the partially owned subsidiary prior to the exchange, a changein ownership has not taken place, and the exchange should be accounted for based on the carrying amounts of the partially owned subsidiary's assets and liabilities.
Similarly,in a transfer or exchange between entities with a high degree of common ownership, the staff compares the percentages owned by shareholders in the combined company to
the percentages owned in each of the combining companies before thetransaction. When the percentages have changed or the owned interests are not in substance the same before and afterthe transaction, the staff believes a substantive transactionhas occurred and has objected to historical cost accounting.
观点三:按照实务中绝大多数拆除 VIE、拆除红筹的重组交易做法,B 公司本身往往并不构成一项单独的业务,根据以往情况 B 公司从事的业务与 A 公司相互交织,不可割裂,B 公司与 A 公司相结合才能构成一项完整的业务。在这种情况下,由于 A 公司与 B 公司构成 的业务整体没有发生变化,即使控制方发生变化,,仍属于业务在法律形式上的重组,A 公 司合并报表仍应沿用业务原来的账面价值,即与原 B 公司合并报表保持一致,并重述历史业 绩。A 公司个別报表中,可按 B 公司股权的公允价值 2,000 万元作为长期股权投资成本,与 股权转让款的差额作为权益性交易处理。上述看法中观点三更符合会计准则的规定。对于 VIE 架构,由于 A 和 B 整体构成完整的业务,上述交易中,并购日 A 公司净资产的账面价值为 6,000 万元,而甲支付的对价仅为 3,000 万元,B 公司的公允价值为 2,000 万元,而对价为 1 亿元,两项交易是在考虑了彼此影响的 情况下订立的,只有一起考虑才是经济的,且两项交易整体才能达成一项完整的商业结果。因此,甲收购 A 公司,与 A 公司收购 B 公司实质为“一揽子交易”,一系列架构拆除安排的实 质为 A 和 B 业务的股东从境外的自然人乙和公司 C 变为境内自然人甲和投资人 D。境内主 要经营实体 A 和 B 的资产和业务并未发生变化,应将 A 和 B 看作一个整体,其控股股东改 变并不会改变其计量基础。